Types of TRT
and the benefits of each method of treatment

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) comes in various forms, each with its unique advantages and considerations. The choice of TRT method depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and medical factors. Here's an overview of common types of TRT and the benefits associated with each:

1. Testosterone Injections:

Method: Administered through intramuscular injections, typically given in the gluteal muscles.


  • Consistency: Injections provide a steady release of testosterone into the bloodstream, maintaining stable hormone levels.
  • Convenience: Typically administered on a bi-weekly or weekly basis, injections offer convenience with fewer applications compared to some other methods.

2. Testosterone Gels:

Method: Applied topically to the skin, usually on the shoulders, upper arms, or abdomen.


  • Ease of Use: Gels are easy to apply and are absorbed through the skin, allowing for a convenient and painless administration.
  • Steady Release: Gels provide a continuous, steady release of testosterone, mimicking the body's natural production.

3. Testosterone Patches:

Method: Patches are applied to a clean, dry area of the skin, often on the back, abdomen, thighs, or upper arms.


  • Consistent Delivery: Patches release a controlled amount of testosterone continuously, ensuring a stable hormonal environment.
  • Non-Invasive: As a non-invasive option, patches eliminate the need for injections and gels, offering an alternative for those seeking a different application method.

Benefits Common to All TRT Methods:

  • Improved Mood and Energy Levels: TRT is known to alleviate symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, irritability, and mood swings, leading to an overall improvement in mood and energy levels.
  • Increased Libido and Sexual Function: Testosterone plays a crucial role in libido and sexual function. TRT can enhance these aspects, restoring a satisfying and healthy sex life.

At Masculum Health we always suggest the use of Testogel at first. This is an easy to apply gel that takes only a few seconds to apply in the morning. It leaves no residue and dries almost instantly. Testogel is made by Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd, the leading manufacturer of testosterone replacement treatments and is a licenced medicine, only available on prescription.

Besins Healthcare
test kit


Order below to receive the finger print blood test kit direct to your door. The kit includes lancets, vial, alcohol wipes, plasters, instructions and a pre-paid envelope to send it back to us.

Samples are analysed at UKAS certified laboratories.

£39.95 (INC. VAT)


Talk to the Masculum Health GP online to discuss your symptoms or results

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UK Doctors

And a UK-based pharmacy

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For TRT prescriptions